Keeping it Clean

Hands up. Who else loves changing their wax melt over? I know I do. Removing the old used scent though can be a little annoying if you are one of those people that chip the old wax melt out. Not only does that technique not leave the burner clean but it can also damage it and no one wants that. So I wanted to share a couple of methods I use.

Fancy a change while the wax is still in liquid form? Then that’s the easiest way and great when the wax melt has lots all of its aroma. Remove the tealight from the base first, (we don’t want any burnt fingers!) Take a couple of cotton pads stacked and place them into the pool of wax. Simply wipe the cotton pads back out and discard. If this hasn’t wiped everything away then repeat the process until all that lovely stuff has come away. Tada! One clean burner ready to take your next Miss Rachel Holland wax melt.

Left the wax to dry over night and want to start the day with a fresh scent? No problem. Light a tea light in the burner as you would normally and wait for a couple of minutes. This will give the wax melt enough time to warm up around the edges a little to loosen it. Once it’s ready remove the tealight again to avoid any accidents, then simply slide the solid wax melt out. Then it’s back to our trusty cotton pads again. Take one and wipe any excess liquid out then discard as before.

This last method is particularly good if you haven’t got the full potential from your wax melt and you are still smelling all of that wonderful aroma but just wanted a change. There doesn’t need to be any waste though. Get yourself some organza bags and create little bags of loveliness with your wax melt disc. Break it up into smaller pieces and pop inside. You can the place these hanging in your wardrobe or in you drawers to keep them smelling fresh until you are ready for another change.

Tried any of these ideas? Then let us know how you got on. Got some tips you would like to share with the rest of our fragrance community? Then get in touch. We would love to share your ideas to help others.


Blog Written in Collaboration with B Creative.



1 comment

  • Hi.

    My daughter Emma Bartlett bought me one of you gift sets as moving in present. Really very nice indeed. Have loved the aroma it leaves in each room. She has been giving me your wax melts as little gifts, but have come to an end, so will visit shop soon to restock. Lovely product.


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